meet your guide

Hi! My name is Annyea. You might know me as Kin Weaver. 

I'm here to be in service to you on this path of remembrance.

I've been a lover of fiber arts for over a decade. What started as hobby crocheting, has become a life long path. As I grew to learn the importance of sustainably creating, I grew eager  spin my own yarn with natural fibers, and was lucky enough to soon after have someone put a drop spindle in my hands with a few simple instructions. My body knew just what to do! I totally fell in love. I was then called to the spinning wheel, and eventually to the loom. I am blessed to have had the guidance of my teacher Eileen Lee who supported me immensely with initial lessons for my wheel and floor loom, and from there I am mostly self taught, through years of experimentation and exploration. 

I homestead here with my partner Alex and our daughter Maya where we grow food, flowers, and medicine, and raise animals for fiber, food, and companionship. I've been a total animal lover my whole life, and I feel very fortunate that two of my passions have merged into one! Kin Weaver is the culmination of all of my fiber arts experience and my life long passion for working with animals. I sell our homegrown mohair fiber and yarn, as well as my finished woven creations. I offer private in person spinning and weaving lessons, teach at primitive skills gatherings such as Spirit Weavers and Origins, and at Kin Weaver’s annual gathering, Sisters of the Loom.

Though many of us may not depend on these crafts for every day life nowadays; we once did, and we may again one day. These are useful, beautiful skills that are being forgotten in these modern times. They hold such wisdom and deep connection and I am passionate about playing my small part in keeping them alive. I find finishing a handwoven, hand spun, botanically dyed piece of cloth to be one of the most fulfilling experiences and I love guiding others who wish to do the same. I truly believe that this wisdom lives within all of us, passed down through many generations who tended the medicine of the wheels and looms. I'm just here to open the door for you, and point the way.

After many years of living a life in dedication to animal husbandry and fiber arts, I have developed these retreats that condense experience into immersive learning spaces. My teaching style isn't to give step by step instructions from start to finish, but rather to provide the basics, and to support you in finding and embracing your vision, and bringing it to life. My workshops don't result in a bunch of matching tapestries, but rather a rainbow of unique weavings, born from your one of a kind, authentic heart. The world is ready to embrace your creations!

It is in our togetherness that we are remembering.

I can hardly wait to meet you here.

XOXO Annyea

"I had a life-changing experience attending Sisters of the Loom that I can distinctively credit with catapulting and accelerating my path.  Reading the description of what would be offered at the retreat stirred something in my Soul, so I took the leap and signed up.  Upon arriving I was so warmly welcomed by Annyea and the other wonderful women who said yes, and the magic that unfolded over our days together awakened something very deep inside of me.  Though I’ve been to many retreats and women’s gatherings, this one stands out, for it was the real deal.  The challenges, the joys, the realness and the sacredness of tending animals and the Earth and working with their fiber all came through our time together, and the way it touched us was profound.  Annyea’s offerings are more than a teaching--they are a transmission from someone who lives and breathes this way of living.  The depth of tears shed at our closing circle remains imprinted in my heart because Annyea, in her friendly and humble and enthusiastic way, was able to truly convey the transmission of this lineage we are tapping into – the weavers, the spinners, the creators.  Being together in this craft was a relief, a remembering, and just the encouragement I needed to step into my calling.  Thank you for sharing so generously of your heart and your home, Annyea and having such confidence in us all.  Every day since that I sit down at my wheel or my loom, I am grateful to you.”


“Attending sisters of the loom was one of the highlights of my year. Annyea held beautiful space and we were so well nourished with the yummiest food. Despite typically weaving on larger looms, I loved getting to sit in ceremony with fiber, new friends, and the intention of being present with this ancient craft. The spinning, dying, and weaving were just the icing on the cake of something much deeper being cultivated. Highly recommend learning from and working with annyea and the opportunity to spend time on her sacred homestead.”


“There’s a type of grounded medicine that Annyea radiates effortlessly as a Weave sharer- a trust, a knowing, a belief in your artistic & creative ability that melts away even the most tender of creativity wounds. From sitting in workshops at Spirit Weavers to driving 20 hours to her beautiful, abundant homestead for the Sisters of the Loom retreat in 2022, it’s always a very special treat to receive teachings that bring me closer to Weaving from her. Annyea attracts the type of Salt of the Earth women that I loveee having in my life!!! It was such a special trip for my blood sister, Charity and I to take part in together. Receiving Annyea’s energy feels like sitting at my grandmother’s feet as she spins and shares stories of how to tap in to the ancient magic that wants to be remembered inside us. I look forward to the day I’m able to sit with her again!”

-Britt Lynn